Friday, March 14, 2014

Take a Study Break with Babies of the Pantanal

I was procrastinating on StumbleUpon a few nights ago when I came across a video of a baby Jaguar chewing on a person's finger and trying to "roar." It was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time and led to me spending several hours on youtube looking up videos of baby animals from the Pantanal. Here is the best of what I found:

The video that started it all. Is that not the cutest thing ever?
Fun Fact: Cubs are born blind but gain sight after two weeks. The cubs will stay in their den for their first six months of life before venturing out on their own to hunt.

Capuchin Monkey
Fun Fact: Young Capuchins cling to their mothers' chest until they grow in size, at which point they will migrate to their mothers' backs.

These peccaries reside at the Zoo in San Diego, my home town.
Fun Fact: Frisky hopping is super cute.

This video is accompanied by some pretty sweet music - 
These anteaters, like the peccaries above, also live in a zoo (Santa Anna Zoo).
Fun Fact: The pup's colors and bands allow it to camouflage by aligning with the mother's colors and bands (you can see this in the video).

I hope we get to see some of these adorable animals while on our Pantanal Safari. Good luck with studying and finals!

~ Megan Good

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