Friday, March 21, 2014

La Guerra de Los Yacarés

           In Cole’s organism presentation we learned all about the caimans in the Pantanal. Upon hearing that they are in Portuguese they are often referred to as jacarés, I was reminded of a short story we read in my AP Spanish Literature class in high school called “La Guerra de Los Yacarés” by Quiroga. Quiroga, an Uruguayan writer, spent some time in Parana near the Pantanal. While the story is in Spanish and has no definitive location, the themes discussed in the story are extremely relevant to the issues facing the Pantanal today.

            “La Guerra de los Yacarés” is the tale of caimans living in the wilderness that encounter humans for the first time, and the resulting confrontation between the two groups. The humans arrive with their boat, disturbing the lives of the caimans and making it difficult for them to find food to eat. While the caimans try to fight back, the humans continue to come back with more powerful boats and weapons.

            Given the current and persisting questions about weighing human interest against that of animals and plants, it’s particularly remarkable to see that this story, written in 1918, is still extremely relevant today, almost a hundred years later.

If you want to try your hand at reading the Spanish version, below is a link:

Or, if you want to watch some YouTube adaptations, see below! (Beware, some are weird.)


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