The Hyacinth Macaw, an enormous blue parrot,
is easily one of the most iconic birds in the Pantanal region. However, like a third of
all part species in Latin America, the Hyacinth Macaw has become endangered for
two primary reasons: habitat loss and illicit wildlife trade. Because the macaw
is such a spectacle, there is a high demand for it as a pet, which gives poorer
inhabitants of its range a motivation to smuggle them for sale at local or
international markets.

There are both national laws and international
agreements in place that forbid the trafficking of wild animals. However,
enforcement is too limited to deal with the tens of thousands of birds
trafficked annually. However, anti-smuggling initiatives, such as developing ecotourism
industries to employ those who might otherwise resort to smuggling, are attempting
to incentivize wildlife protection.
-Matt Benjamin
Atleast, from what I've read, it seems like locals are beginning to see the benefits of keeping Parrots in the Pantanal region because of the economic revenue the birds create through ecotourism. It's a shame that there isn't better enforcement but I feel like creating a dialogue with the Pantanal natives about the importance of conserving biodiversity and imperiled species is a good start to helping these animals that are being exploited.