Thursday, January 30, 2014

World Wetlands Day ~ Feb. 2!

Hey everyone,

February 2nd is World Wetlands Day as designated by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance! The Pantanal is, of course, part of the list of the wetlands designated by the convention that meets the criteria for being of global importance. The convention is dedicated to the "conservation and wise use" of important wetlands all over the world, with the idea of "wise use" suggesting a management approach that conserves the ecological character of wetland ecosystems and focuses on sustainable development and use.

This year the Ramsar convention has chosen the theme of "Wetlands and Agriculture" as the focus for World Wetlands Day. It is an opportunity to spread the word about sustainable agricultural practices that can help maintain the health of wetland ecosystems worldwide and protect against nutrient overloading, soil erosion and other dangers of intensive agriculture on wetland systems!

Check out the Ramsar website and get pumped for World Wetlands day! (I only moderately recommend the video...)


1 comment:

  1. A focus on "Wetlands and Agriculture" is definitely applicable to the Pantanal considering the ongoing struggle for balance the Pantaneiros face while trying to expand their fazendas without disturbing the natural ecology.
