Thursday, January 16, 2014

BBC's Planet Earth

       For Christmas, I received the complete season of BBC's Planet Earth. If you haven't gotten a chance to watch a British nature documentary, I highly recommend it. One of the episodes I watched was on Freshwater, and I was excited to discover that a large portion of it was on the Pantanal. I've seen pictures of the Pantanal, but I was completely awestruck viewing it from high resolution footage. While the film featured many of the interesting organisms in this region such as the capybara, jabiru, caiman, and hyacinth macaw, the stars of the show were the piranhas. They had one man actually go scuba diving in the Pantanal to try and film a piranha feeding frenzy!!! It is a common misconception that piranhas will attack anything in the water. In reality, they are scavengers that usually only eat something that is wounded or already dead. However, there ability to strip something to the bone in a matter of minutes was not exaggerated. The camera man was able to get within a few feet of the frenzy, and remained unharmed. Although hopefully, we won't be taking a dip with the piranhas, I'me excited to hopefully view the wildlife in person. I thought it was impossible to be any more excited about this trip, but I was wrong. But I bet that the wonder I experienced from this documentary will be dwarfed by the real thing! Although I was not able to find a clip of the piranha attack, here is a link for the documentary on a caiman kill!



  1. I absolutely loved Planet Earth when I watched it but completely didn't register that the Pantanal was featured! Deserves a rewatch to be sure - I also have the video files if anyone else would like to watch them!

  2. Wow that sounds incredible! We should watch it in class or have a Pantanal movie night, there must be some other documentaries about this incredible area.

  3. I had no idea pirahnas weren't active predators. It's crazy how much what we see on TV and in cartoons can influence our sentiments no certain creatures. -Christina Morrisett

  4. It's reassuring to know that our beliefs about piranhas are wrong and interesting to discover how their characteristics have been so vastly exaggerated. ~Megan Good
